Building a Strong Support Network for Your Health Journey

Hey friends,

Last week, we discussed the importance of accountability in overcoming health challenges, particularly for women.

Today, I want to delve deeper into how building a strong support network can amplify your efforts and lead to lasting, positive changes in your health and well-being.

My Journey with Support Networks

Reflecting on my own journey,

I realized that my success in managing my health wasn’t just due to individual determination but also the support network I built around me.

Beyond my own wellness coach, I created a group of like-minded women who were also navigating their health challenges.

This community provided a safe space to share experiences, exchange advice, and offer encouragement.

The Benefits of a Support Network

Having a strong support network is crucial for several reasons:

  • Shared Experiences: Connecting with others who have similar experiences can provide comfort and insight. You learn that you’re not alone, and others’ stories can offer valuable perspectives.

  • Collective Wisdom: A diverse group brings together a wealth of knowledge. From dietary tips to exercise routines, the collective wisdom of a support network can be incredibly enriching.

  • Emotional Strength: A support network provides emotional support during tough times, helping you stay resilient and focused on your goals.

  • Accountability Reinforced: Multiple people checking in on each other’s progress can reinforce accountability, making it more likely that you’ll stay on track.

Creating Your Support Network

Here are some steps to help you be part of a strong support network:

  1. Identify Your Needs: Determine what kind of support you need. Are you looking for emotional support, practical advice, or both?

  2. Reach Out: Connect with me or your friends, or others in the same situation, that share your health goals. Don’t hesitate to reach out – many people are looking for the same kind of support.

  3. Join Groups: Participate in local or online groups focused on health and wellness. These groups can provide a structured way to connect with others. My coaching groups have incredible women that meet regularly.

  4. Be Active: Actively engage with your support network. Share your experiences, ask for advice, and offer support to others.

Sign Up Free To Join The Life Wise community

Over 68% of Americans suffer some type of sleep disorder.

If you cannot enter into a deep state of sleep, you simply do not dream.

People need to dream and at Life Wise, we want you to dream big.

We created Dream to support healthy sleep cycles so that you can feel restored and energized in the morning ready to go to work building your dreams. 

Simply place one Dream strip into your mouth before bed and let it dissolve completely.  

Key Ingredients: 

L-Theanine-  Supports healthy sleep cycles by supporting and nourishing the brain to allow healthy alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves also support irritation and anxiety cycles. 

Melatonin- Melatonin has the ability to support biological rhythms. This makes it an important hormone for various circadian disorders, such as advanced and delayed sleep phase disorders, jet lag and shift-work disorder 

Saffron- Used for many years in India and the middle east to support relaxation and create a meditative state, there are now many modern clinical studies showing that Saffron can hold the key to a good nights sleep. 

Podcast Launch: A New Way to Connect:

The launch of the Professional Woman’s Wellness Podcast is another thrilling highlight, offering us a brand new platform to discuss and delve deeper into topics just like these.

I can’t wait to bring you loads of insights, expert opinions, and real-life stories that inspire and empower.

Next on the Podcast: 

How Busy Moms, Mom-preneurs, and Asperger's Adults

Can Thrive Again with functional genetic testing

today we have a super special guest, Dr. Sam Shay. Dr. Shay is not only a chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner, but he's also known as the "lab nerd" who loves to solve health puzzles. Plus, he uses clean observational comedy to make learning fun and engaging!

What We Talk About:

Meet Dr. Sam Shay

  • Dr. Shay shares his fascinating journey from traditional medicine to natural medicine.

  • He helps health-conscious moms, entrepreneurs, and adults with Asperger's move from survival mode to thriving.

    The Magic of Functional Testing and Genetics

  • Dr. Shay explains why genetics is so crucial in determining your ideal diet and health plan.

  • Learn how genetics can reveal your predisposition to sugar cravings and how to manage them effectively.

    Dr. Shay’s Personal Story

  • Discover how Dr. Shay overcame his sugar addiction and health challenges.

  • He shares insights from his journey and how he turned his life around with the help of genetics.

    Practical Tips and Advice

  • Get actionable tips on how to use genetic insights to improve your diet and health.

  • Understand the difference between cravings and addictions, and how to control your environment to manage them.

    Deep Dive into Genetic Insights

  • Learn about the evolutionary biology behind sugar cravings and the role of genetics in food foraging.

  • Dr. Shay discusses inflammation, histamine sensitivity, and their impact on health.

    Real-Life Applications

  • Practical advice on avoiding high-histamine foods and aligning your diet with your genetic makeup.

  • Strategies to manage diet and health effectively based on your genetic insights.

Dr. Shay’s Gift:

Thanks for Listening!

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Your Stories:

I'd love to hear from you!

How have your relationships influenced your wellness journey?

Share your stories with us, and let's celebrate the incredible power of connection together.

Looking Ahead:

Next week, join us for another special guest Karen Sammer National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach Crushing Cravings: A Journey to Weight Loss and Diabetes Prevention

With excitement and warmth,

Dr. Peggy

Discover Body Confidence With Every Mindful Bite