🌞 Summer Tips: Navigating Tasty Temptations with Ease!

As we step into the sun-drenched days of summer, full of gatherings and getaways, it's the perfect time to remind ourselves why we started on this path to health and wellness. Remembering your "big why"—whether it’s feeling fabulous in your skin, boosting your energy to play with the kids, or just taking better care of your amazing self—can keep you motivated, even when the ice cream truck sings its tempting tune.

1. Embrace Your 'Why'

Keep your ‘big why’ close to your heart. It’s your anchor and your compass, especially when you’re tempted by a less healthy path. Whether you’ve committed to feeling energized, lowering health risks, or looking great for a big event, let these motivators be your guide through the summer fun.

2. Be Flexible!

Let’s wave goodbye to the all-or-nothing mindset. Health isn't about perfection; it's about making better choices more often. Enjoy the occasional indulgence guilt-free and then gracefully return to your healthy habits. This flexible approach prevents the common trap of "I’ve already blown it" that can lead to more unhealthy choices.

3. Plan Like a Pro

Before you head to that beach party or family barbeque, think ahead. Decide how you’ll indulge smartly, and what delicious, healthy options you can enjoy. This doesn’t mean you can’t have treats; it means you'll make room for treats without derailing your progress.

4. Focus Beyond the Food

Make lasting memories that aren’t just about eating. Engage deeply with friends and family, soak up the atmosphere, and maybe capture some joyful moments with photos. When you enrich your experience beyond just the menu, food becomes a part of the joy, not the center of it.

5. Hydration Is Your Secret Weapon

Keep cool and carry on with lots of water, infused flavors, or herbal teas. Staying hydrated keeps your energy up and your cravings down—it’s a simple trick to maintain your balance.

6. Move and Groove

Incorporate fun activities into every event. Whether it’s dancing, swimming, or a casual walk, moving your body helps you stay aligned with your wellness goals and makes indulging a little easier to balance.

7. Mindful Munching

Savor every bite when you choose to indulge. Eat slowly, enjoy the textures and flavors, and you’ll likely find you’re satisfied with less.

8. Forgive, Forget, and Forge Ahead

If you slip up, don’t sweat it. Every meal is a new opportunity to make healthy choices. Forgive yourself and move forward with your next decision.

9. Celebrate Every Victory

Acknowledge your efforts, big or small. Made a smart menu choice? Took a walk instead of a nap? Celebrate these wins! They add up to significant changes over time.

Let's Make This Summer One to Remember:

Keep your ‘why’ in sight, stay flexible, and remember, we’re in this together. This summer, let’s celebrate, enjoy, and love ourselves enough to live healthily and happily.

Looking forward to hearing how you're keeping your summer vibrant and healthy!


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Podcast Launch: A New Way to Connect:

The launch of the Professional Woman’s Wellness Podcast is another thrilling highlight, offering us a brand new platform to discuss and delve deeper into topics just like these.

I can’t wait to bring you loads of insights, expert opinions, and real-life stories that inspire and empower.

Next on the Podcast: 

Embracing Change:

Navigating the Ripple Effect of

Divorce with

Self-Care and

Effective Communication

In our latest podcast, we dive deep into the world of high conflict and high asset divorces with the incredible Mardi Winder Adams.

With over 30 years of experience, Mardi is not only an ICF and board-certified executive and leadership coach but also a certified divorce transition coach and a credentialed distinguished mediator in Texas.

Join us as we welcome Certified Divorce Coach Mardi Winder-Adams whose story and expertise are truly inspiring.

Mardi Winder Adams’ mission is to guide women through the tumultuous journey of divorce, offering support and strategies to help them emerge stronger and more resilient.

Whether you're currently going through a divorce or looking to support someone who is, this podcast episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice.

Mardi’s Gifts:

Upcoming Events

When: Tuesday, June 18th at 3 PM PT / 6 pm EST

Details: Join us for a transformative exploration of how mindful eating can enhance your body confidence and overall wellness. This is a can't-miss event filled with practical tips and enlightening discussions.

Your Stories:

I'd love to hear from you!

How have your relationships influenced your wellness journey?

Share your stories with us, and let's celebrate the incredible power of connection together.

Looking Ahead:

Next week, join us for another special guest Board Certified Holistic Nurse Cherry Pfau on “Unlocking Vitality, Focus, And Well-Being For Women In The Second Half of Life.”

With excitement and warmth,

Dr. Peggy

Discover Body Confidence With Every Mindful Bite